Published on: February 23, 2018 at 3:15 PM
MOET Attracts Apprentice Employers Outside Energy & Utilities

The Energy and Utilities Independent Assessment Service (EUIAS) is set to deliver end-point assessment for a range of employers including British Steel and Jacobs on an apprenticeship standard that is attracting increasing interest from employers outside the gas, power, waste management and water industries.
MOET, or the Maintenance Operations Engineering Technician, is a hybrid, three-year apprenticeship standard.
Employers across many sectors, including engineering and science, are turning to its versatility, enabling employers to shape an on-programme journey which is fit for their business. The EUIAS is appointed on the Education and Skills Funding Agency Register of End-point Assessment Organisations to deliver end-point assessment for this standard. To date, the EUIAS has delivered specialist, safety-sensitive synoptic assessment to see close to 250 apprentices achieve their apprenticeship at both level 2 and 3 in water, power and dual fuel.
Steven Green, EUIAS’ National Business Development Manager for Apprenticeships, said: “We have recently seen a surge of interest from not only our traditional industry routes in energy and utilities, but in other sectors of UK industry as well.
“This is why Anglian Water, South Staffordshire Water, SSI and Wessex Water have registered learners on MOET and we are seeing interest from nuclear and wind, with potential inroads into automotive and rail. The strong partnerships we have built with ECITB and Collab will also take us into new markets, creating opportunities for providers and employers to come together.”
MOET will be among the topics of discussion in EUIAS’ upcoming workshops. These free workshops are attended by employers, college representatives, independent providers and other interested stakeholders. To reserve a place or receive more information, contact Steven via or call 0845 077 99 22.