Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician

Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician Level 3
Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technicians plan, select, install, service, commission and maintain all aspects of plumbing and heating systems.
Apprentices will gain a strong understanding of core plumbing systems and plumbing science and processes as well as learning the principles of high quality customer service and how to communicate in a clear, articulate and appropriate manner.
To find out more about Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service (EUIAS) and how we can help you with end-point assessment, contact us here.
We offer end point assessment (EPA) for the following four pathways for the Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician:
- Fossil Fuel – Natural Gas
- Fossil Fuel – Oil
- Fossil Fuel – Solid Fuel
- Environmental Technologies
End Point Assessment
Your apprentices will be assessed by EUIAS assessors, and EUIAS will confirm whether the apprentice has achieved the standard or not (awarding a fail, pass or distinction).
The end point assessment consists of five elements:
- Multiple-choice test
- Design project
- Practical installation test
- Practical application test
- Professional discussion
Typically, the apprenticeship takes between 45 months, and an additional 3 months for the end point assessment (EPA) duration.
To access our EPA resources for Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician, click here.
End Point Assessment Fees
Our end point assessment fees and charges can be found here.
How we can help
Are you an FE College, training provider or employer that is already offering the Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician apprenticeship, or considering doing so, and looking for an End Point Assessment Organisation?
To find out how EUIAS can support end-point assessment of your apprentices, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.