Published on: August 30, 2022 at 11:04 AM
Get involved in the upcoming changes to the MOET & UET apprenticeship standards

The Maintenance and Operations Engineering Technician (MOET) ST0154 and the Utilities Engineering Technician (UET) ST0159 apprenticeships standards have been recommended for withdrawal by IfATE’s Engineering and Manufacturing Route Panel. The proposed replacement standards include:
- Mechatronics (this is replacing the electro-mechanical option in the current MOET standard)
- Maintenance technician (generic slimmed down version of MOET)
- Power generation asset maintenance technician
- Water industry asset maintenance technician
There is now an opportunity for you to get involved with the early discussion and development of these proposed standards. Please see contact details below for each.
The trailblazer group have completed the occupational proposal for this standard. It will be named: Mechatronics maintenance technician. The proposal has been submitted to IfATE for approval and is currently going through the approval process. The outcome of this will be known in early September. Subject to approval the trailblazer group will then work on completing the occupational standard, end point assessment plan, and the funding band submission. The trailblazer group are working towards a completion target go live date of July 2023. If you would like to get involved, please email either Brendan Casey, Senior Product Manager at IfATE or Andrew Parsons, Chair of the Trailblazer Group.
Maintenance technician (generic slimmed down version of MOET)
IfATE and Cogent Skills will be taking forward the development of this proposed standard. A trailblazer group has yet to be formed but IfATE and Cogent have produced an initial early ideas document on what a new standard may look like and are seeking feedback from stakeholders (see attached). If you would like to provide feedback on the initial draft or would like to be part of the development when it begins, please email Diane Wilford, Senior Product Manager at IfATE or Rachel Roby, Strategic Apprenticeship Lead at Cogent Skills.
Power generation asset maintenance technician
There is an initial meeting on Wednesday 7 September, between 14.00-16.00, to begin discussions around the need for a power generation asset maintenance technician (working title). The meeting will be led by Caroline Costelloe, Senior Product Manager at IfATE. If you would like to be part of the discussion, please email Paul Carter, Skills Engagement Manager at Energy & Utility Skills
Water industry asset maintenance technician
There is an initial meeting on Monday 5 September, between 10.00-12.00, to begin discussions around the need for a water industry asset maintenance technician (working title). The meeting will be led by Caroline Costelloe, Senior Product Manager at IfATE. If you would like to be part of the discussion, please email Paul Carter, Skills Engagement Manager at Energy & Utility Skills.